Wednesday, March 19, 2008

There Will Be Blood

The oscars came and went, and one of the key players was Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood.

What separates this film from the others, and what makes it oscar worthy?

This film was directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, personally, one of my favorite directors in the business. Why? Because he manages to encompass humanity in his films.

He has directed many films, including: Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and Punch Drunk Love.

..So what made this one so different?

I think PTA has always managed a certain cinematic look, a directing style that is uniquely his. As far as cinematography goes, this film has outdone itself.

The shots were long and breathtaking, beautifull composed, each as if it were an individual picture taken on its own.

As far as the story goes, this is where some audience members started to get lost. I went into this film basically expecting the "small town discovers oil, tons of money pours in, they all get greedy and beat the crap out of eachother".

Instead, i was met with a fundamental, character driven story that doesn't base itself on your ability to interpret a story, but your ability to enjoy the depth of character.

The sound was fundamental and effective - no glitz, no glamour - just fundamental sound. This aspect gave the film a truly unique feel. The sound reflected the true emptiness of the desert and the locations the story took place in. The sound was mixed well, and was truly effective in this film.

I had some issues with the soundtrack, however. I felt, and this may have been PTA's intention, that, at certain points, the music played with the audience's head. The music would slowly pitch up, climbing to that climax where something is bound to happen - and nothing.

So, the sountrack tended to be somewhat distracting. But, if it was intended - touche', PTA.

The acting was supreme, as well as the direction of the film. Daniel Day Lewis did an absolutely superb job as Mr. Plainview; and what a stunningly fantastic performance from Paul Dano as Eli, the unbelievably creepy preacher from the small town?

Here's the bottom line.

Should you see this film?

I think it's definitely worth a watch. But keep in mind - it's long, and it's character driven - not necessarily the general movie-watching style.

This film will blow your mind if you give it the opportunity.

Definately give it a watch - See what all the oscar buzz is about.